Absolutely fantastic. Loved the route, loved the atmosphere, loved the beer at the end. Will be back next year!

Hania w

Did the half – loved it so much I’m desperate for next year’s date so I can sign up to the full! Would definitely recommend

caroline h

First time running this marathon and will definitely do it again: fantastic views – one of the most stunning runs I’ve done – coupled with fantastic organisation and a really well marshalled race. And a free beer at the end! What’s not to love!

darren m

was my first ever Hoppit and I really enjoyed running the Half! Gorgeous views, challenging hills, amazing atmosphere and friendly people. I appreciated the reusable watercups and fresh fruit at fuelling stations – so much better than single use plastic. I will be signing up again next year for the full marathon!

rebecca C

A side profile of a woman in a russet-colored turtleneck and white bag. She looks up with her eyes closed.

“Always an excellent race, with a brilliant atmosphere at the race hq. and beautiful scenery on route. Its very well organised with great marshals and well signed. You even get a free beer at the finish”

— paula s