26th May- Entries Update
An update on registrations for the Hampshire Hoppit 2018:
As of today (26 May) we have 654 runners registered (the photo is the breakdown of the age profile, FYI).
The half marathon race is approaching its capacity, and we expect it to be full in the next 7-10 days.
The marathon race has more spare capacity, and while entries are steady it is likely that online entries for the marathon will stay open for longer and perhaps until race day itself.
I have had a few enquiries about Entry On The Day (EOD). It is very unlikely that there will be EOD for the half marathon as it will be at capacity, but there is a possibility that there will be some EOD for the marathon. Please keep an eye on this Facebook community for latest updates, and also the Hampshire Hoppit website. But if you want to be certain of a race entry then you are recommended to enter before race day, of course.
A few important reminders:-
1) The Hoppit running numbers will be sent to the printers on June 4th, and therefore if you would like your name pre-printed on your race number, you must be on the entry system by 9am on June 4th. Entries will be accepted after this time (if capacity is available), but these late running numbers will be issued without pre-printed names.
2) If you would like a Hampshire Hoppit 2018 technical T-Shirt or Vest, then the deadline for orders is June 1st. An order can be placed either when entering the Hoppit online; or separately using the Runface T-Shirt website and using the Promotion Code HOPPIT to remove the cost of postage and packing.
3) An update on the entries for the Go Farther Trophy, that celebrates Fathers Day on Hoppit Day! It is aimed at those Dads who have older children (over 18) that also enjoy their running. If you enter as a pair, and achieve the best combined result in either the half marathon or the full marathon, then you will win the commemorative engraved water jugs (one for each of you!). Please identify yourselves when you enter online (there is a special Father/Child field), or use the Contact Us tab on the website to let us know that you are a family team. A special ‘shout out’ for Father/Child combo’s for the marathon – we only have one pairing entered for the marathon at the moment, so the chance of success in this competition is pretty high. The half marathon has around ten family teams that have entered (at the moment).
24th May – Hoppit: Medals
Hampshire Hoppit medals have arrived! Green for the half and blue for the full marathon.
We love them and hope you do too.
12th May – Hoppit: Race Numbers
If you would like your name printed on your race number at the Hampshire Hoppit then the deadline for entering the race is 9am on June 4th! After this deadline, race entries can still be made (subject to reaching the race capacity) but these late runners after June 4th will not have names pre-printed on the race number. They will just have the number.
Also, on the subject of running numbers, is anyone celebrating a special birthday, or anniversary, or something that might benefit from an appropriate commemorative race number? Let me know (before June 4th), and we will try to get your special race number assigned.
11th May – Hoppit: Tees & Vest Orders
If you are ordering a Hoppit T-Shirt or Hoppit Vest direct from the Runface website, don’t forget to use the Promotion Code HOPPIT to remove the cost of Postage and Packing.
There is no P&P because all merchandise that you have ordered will be collected on race day at the Registration Tent.
Please note that the deadline for Hampshire Hoppit T-Shirt or Vest orders is June 1st. This deadline is necessary so that our suppliers can produce the ordered items for your collection on race day.
If you did not order a Hoppit shirt during your online entry, but are having second thoughts, there is still time to order now, using the link below…
6th May – Hoppit: Prize Winners (Part 2)
The Race Director (Tim) and his dog counting all the Winners trophies for the Hoppit 2018, and checking that there are in fact 28 correctly engraved jugs!
Why 28?…
- Mens and Ladies 1,2,3 (Marathon and Half Marathon)
- Mens and Ladies 1st V40 V50 V60 (Marathon and Half Marathon)
- And Go Fa(r)ther Trophies x 2 (i.e. 2 for Marathon and 2 for Half Marathon)
20th April – Hoppit: Prize Winners
Very pleased to announce the prizes for the winners of the Hampshire Hoppit 2018. Last year we had engraved pewters, however for 2018 we have decided that we should try something that might be more acceptable to non-beer drinkers! For the 2018 winners, we have selected a high quality glass water jug, which will be engraved with the Hoppit logo, the date, and the prize category.
Would you like to win one of these highly desirable items? All you need to do (!) is to be in the Top 3 finishers in your race (male Top 3 or female Top 3); or the 1st V40, V50, V60 finisher (again male and female); or win the Go Farther trophy (i.e. the quickest father and son/daughter team winners of the half and the full marathon).
In addition, the 1st place winner overall (only), in both the male and female categories, will also receive a pair of Hoka One One shoes of their choice, and a framed 3D print of their run with engraved plaque.
Good luck!
17th April – Hoppit: New Partner
Delighted to announce a new partner for the Hampshire Hoppit, “PrintMyRoute”. They are a North Wales based 3D printing company specialising in the the 3D printing of fitness activity routes. They produce tactile 3D models of runs, in 3D layers, and they will be producing the Hampshire Hoppit’s Winner First Place Trophies for both Male & Female Hoppit and Hoppit Half races.
Any participants interested in 3D prints of the Hoppit route, or for that matter, any of their favourite routes or races, can order online by uploading their GPX file and using their 3D creator at: https://www.printmyroute.xyz/creator
16th April – Hoppit: Go Fa(r)ther Trophy
The Hampshire Hoppit is on the same day as Fathers Day, so we have created a special trophy for the best father/child combined score. We call it the Go Fa(r)ther Trophy.
So, if you are a Dad that has a son or daughter that might like to run in the same race as you (if over 18); or a son or daughter (over 18) with a Dad that might be tempted to run the same race; then it might be worth twisting their arm!
I’ve just looked at the entries, and, so far (with just over 8 weeks to go), we have 4 competing families in the marathon, and 6 in the half marathon. So – possibly – you have a very good chance to win!
5th April – Hoppit: Commemorative Glasses
Look what has arrived already. Our pint and half pint glasses 🍺 As with every year, ‘pre testing’ of the product is essential and we’re delighted to confirm…. it works!
27th October – Up and Running: Competition Results
You might recall that we had a competition to encourage early entry for the Hampshire Hoppit. Our sponsors Up & Running kindly donated 4 x Sub 4 technical T-Shirts for 2 x Ladies and 2 x Men that entered prior to October 4th.
I’m delighted to announce that the winners are Jeffrey Ingold, Gary Wright, Cally Morris, and Kathryn York. They have been randomly selected from the Hoppit 2018 entry list, using a Google random number generator.”
22 June – Hampshire Hoppit 2017 Shines In The Heat
Around 750 runners braved sizzling temperatures to take part in the Hampshire Hoppit Trail Marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday 18 June.
Runners from all over the country ventured to Park House Stables in Kingsclere to take on the trail challenge along sections of the Wayfarers Walk and Harrow Way.
In just its second year, organisers doubled the entry numbers to 900 for the two races and still sold out in advance. And despite temperatures of up to 30 degrees the runners, who included over 40 athletes from the host club Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC, weren’t put off enjoying stunning scenery and lots of encouragement from over 70 marshals along the half and full marathon courses. If that wasn’t reward enough each finisher received a pint glass-shaped medal and a commemorative half or pint glass filled with Hoppit Ale, courtesy of race sponsor Loddon Brewery.
There was local success on the podium too with Basingstoke & Mid Hants Athletic Club (BMHAC) runner Alex Hamilton crossing the line first in the marathon and Winchester and District AC athlete Kate Towerton taking the win in the women’s race and finishing third overall. The half marathon was won by Dan Siddons and Hart Road Runner Sam Scott took the women’s first spot.
Prizes in the form of beautiful silver pewter tankards were also handed out to the first three finishers in the aged 40, 50 and 60 categories across both races. A new addition to the event, to mark the races taking place on Father’s Day, was the Go Fa(r)ther trophy awarded to the first finishing father and child combination. Krist Balcaen and his son Jos took the prize in the marathon category, and Paul Read and daughter Kelly took the prize in the half marathon category.
Race Director Tim Fowler was delighted with the success of the event which has already received top ratings on the Runners World website. He said: “It was a fantastic day for everyone and we are extremely grateful for the support we received from our runners, volunteers and spectators. We doubled our numbers from the 2016 event and were truly overwhelmed to sell out all 900 places before the race. It was a baking hot day but we all pulled together to help our runners around the beautiful course including putting on extra water stations, offering people the opportunity to swap to the half marathon and even sending our Hoppit Bunny out delivering ice pops to runners on the course! Local residents also got involved offering refreshments and much-needed showers courtesy of their garden hoses. A huge thank you to all of our sponsors, volunteers and runners for making this year’s event a tremendous success and we look forward to planning next year’s Hampshire Hoppit.”
The Hampshire Hoppit was sponsored by Kingslclere Stables, Loddon Brewery, Up & Running Basingstoke, and Fyfes Bananas.
All proceeds from the race will go towards Basingstoke & Mid Hants Athletics Club’s appeal to fund a spectator stand at the athletics track at Down Grange Sports Complex.
16 June – Hampshire Hoppit 2017: Safety Notice
Your safety and enjoyment of the event on Sunday is really important to us. So. with the weather forecast on Sunday looking very warm, I want to remind everyone to please be sensible in terms of your running effort. If you start too fast then you will struggle at the later stages.
There is no shade on much of the course, so sunscreen is highly recommended. If you have sunglasses, then that would be an advantage, and you should consider carrying water with you on your run. There are plenty of water stations on the route, however occasional sips from a bottle that you are carrying can be the best way to stay hydrated. If at any point you feel unwell, or wish to retire, please alert the nearest marshal and we will collect you, it’s no problem, that’s what we are there for!
We have everything in place to offer an amazing day on Sunday, with over 100 volunteers all focused on providing you with an enjoyable and safe day. We look forward to seeing you.
18 May – Hampshire Hoppit 2017: Prize Winners
28 April – Hampshire Hoppit 2017: Entries Update
We’re seeing a steady daily pre-entry for the Hoppit, and we are now at 609. Both races (i.e. the marathon and half marathon) will reach capacity before race day, so tell your friends before its too late that they should enter! There are no entries on the day itself.
28 April – Hampshire Hoppit 2017: T-shirt time!
Great news for those of you who have been waiting patiently for news on the Hampshire Hoppit 2017 t-shirt – it’s now ready to order!
As a new edition to the Hampshire Hoppit and to help you celebrate the 2017 trail marathon and trail half marathon event, we’ve teamed up with RUNFACE to produce a blue technical t-shirt with a super Hampshire Hoppit design on the front. We love it and we hope you will too!
Each t-shirt costs £12 to buy and the Hampshire Hoppit will be donating our share of the profits from the sale of these t-shirts to our nominated charity Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance.
The t-shirts must be pre-ordered and will only be available to pick up on race day (Sunday 18 June) from RUNFACE*. This means you will not pay postage and packaging. Please ensure you enter the code HOPPIT in the discount code area to remove P+P from your order.
Order confirmation will be required on the day to pick up your Hampshire Hoppit t-shirt.
A women’s fit is available in sizes S,M and L (a small is a 10 and is worn by the model in the picture on the Runface website), a medium is the equivalent of a size 12 and a large size 14. Men’s t-shirts are available in sizes S,M,L and XL (the model in the picture is wearing a medium).
[envira-gallery id=”1148″]
We can’t wait to see you all in them and hope you’ll enjoy showing them off as much as we do!
Here’s the all important link to pre-order your Hampshire Hoppit t-shirt. www.runface.co.uk/hoppit
*At the Hampshire Hoppit event on Sunday 18 June RUNFACE will also offer discounts on their own range of t-shirts, including a reduced price of £10 for additional (non-Hoppit) technical t-shirts, to those who supply confirmation of their Hampshire Hoppit t-shirt order.
10 April – The Hoppit Half Marathon Recce
“Flushed” with the popularity of the Hoppit marathon video diary, our Race Director has released a further video for the half marathon. And here it is…
31 March – The Hoppit Marathon Course Review
27 Febuary – The Hoppit Medal Design
I’m delighted to publish the design for the Hampshire Hoppit 2017 finishers medal.
It will be in 4-colour raised and recessed metal, and will look great. The beer-glass shape is not accidental; hopefully it will be an interesting talking point when you show your friends and family the reward for your race efforts.
We have more race goodies to announce over the next few days, watch this space!
17 February – The the Hampshire Hoppit Fliers
Two versions of the Hampshire Hoppit fliers have been created. Although the messaging is identical, the target audience for each flier will be slightly different. If you are running races in the next few weeks you may see one of these…
7 February 2017 – Significant Entry Milestone
We have today reached 200 pre-entries for the Hampshire Hoppit.
19 January 2017 – The Go Farther Trophy
It has been mentioned a few times that The 2017 Hampshire Hoppit on June 18th is the same date as Fathers Day. Often in the context “I’ll need special permission to spend the day enjoying my running, when the family might prefer me at home for Sunday lunch”, that sort of thing. So we have decided to mark the alignment of Fathers Day and Hoppit Day with a special trophy that might mitigate this issue. It is targeting Dads where one of your children is over 18, and he or she is, like you, a marathon or half-marathon runner.
We are announcing a special trophy for the best placed Father/Child twosome in the two events (the half marathon and the full marathon). The lowest combined results of a father-and-child pairing will win a special trophy. So, for example, Father finishes 58th, Son or Daughter finishes 30th, then the ‘team’ gets 88 points. If they are the lowest point score, then they win. We realise that the Child may enter with a different surname to the Father (e.g. due to marriage etc), therefore the race registration team will need to know the details of the two family members such that the connection can be made in the race results service. The Father and Child must be in the same race to compete for the trophy (I’m afraid that we can’t have one in the Marathon and one in the Half Marathon). There is no additional entry fee for this new competition; it is just a bit of fun (or maybe not – let’s see how competitive it becomes!).
The name of the trophy will be The Hampshire Hoppit Go Fa(r)ther Trophy, and it will be a nice keepsake that will be awarded to the winning pair at the Awards Ceremony at the end of both races.
The Hampshire Hoppit entry system is being updated for all new entries from now, such that the Father and Child pairing have the option to identify themselves, and to indicate that they wish to be entered for The Go Fa(r)ther Trophy. However, if you are one runners that has already entered The Hampshire Hoppit, please email info@sportsystems.co.uk with your family details to ensure that their entry list is updated accordingly. The email request to info@sportsystems.co.uk should be headed “Please add us to the Go Fa(r)ther Cup competition”, with details of the two runners name/surname.